Classics Summer 阅读 Circle


For our summer faculty reading circle, we each took leadership of one session and assigned a relevant set of readings to an issue we wanted the group to discuss.  In…

the great mountain mothere

Asian 语言 and Literatures Summer 阅读 Circle 2023

15 September 2023

Our reading circle this year focused on the book: Wang, H. & 刘,G. (Eds.), Cross-cultural communication: Teaching Chinese in the global context. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2021. 这本书……


Diversifying Your 教学大纲 with the 图书馆

5 September 2023

不久前, I began a conversation with Claudia Peterson (Head of Reference and Instruction) and Brie Baumert (Reference and Instruction Librarian For 语言 and Cultures) about how the library…

Image of a website showing photographs of members of the Race B4 Race Executive Board in 2023

Teaching With and Around ChatGPT and Other Tools

21 December 2022

A Highlight from the December 2022 LTC Conference. At the conference, we wanted to start answering the question “how can we teach critical thinking and digital literacy using AI tools?” …

Image created by Dall-E from the prompt

Social Media in the Language Classroom

23 September 2022

This past summer, four Spanish faculty applied For a 学习 and Teaching Center summer reading and research grant to support each other in projects related to pedagogical applications of social…

German Summer Research Circle

19 September 2022

This past summer, the German faculty applied For summer research circle funding to support each other in projects related to both teaching and research (and the connections between them). 在这篇文章中, they share the specific gains made on individual projects and course design and the broader benefits they found in the collaborative process.

GG电子官方软件下载 German on frisbee

Summer 阅读 Groups ’22: A Report from Classics

14 September 2022

Three members of the Classics department (Jake Morton, 克拉拉哈代, Chico Zimmerman) met on three occasions this summer to discuss the following readings: Joseph Henrich, 史蒂夫·J. Heine, and Ara…

Reception Studies 书的封面

Teaching Area Studies in Various Disciplines


We all teach Latin American Studies and participated in a teaching circle this winter, focusing on best practices For teaching Latin American content or other area studies in courses in…

Sugar cane and a stalk of corn or maize, and a stalk of sorghum or guinea corn

阅读 Circle: Trust in Numbers


2021年夏天, we structured our 阅读 Circle around weekly discussions of Trust in Numbers by Theodore Porter, supplemented by additional readings (see Further reading below). We began this 阅读…

Book cover of Trust in Numbers

Applying Teaching Techniques Across Disciplines


Over the course of Winter 2022, we each observed the others’ teaching once. We met on a weekly basis to discuss these observations as well as other pedagogical techniques and…

example of guided lecture handout

